Call for board member nominations
11 February 2021, by Greg Kempe

Greg Kempe, the Chairperson of Laws.Africa NPO, invites the public to nominate persons for appointment as non-executive members of the Laws.Africa NPO advisory board, in terms of s14.9 of the Laws.Africa NPO Constitution.
About Laws.Africa
Laws.Africa is a South-Africa based non-profit organization registered with the Department of Social Development created in late 2018. The main objectives of the organization are, among others, to:
- promote and support human rights, the right to access to information, democracy and the rule of law in South Africa and the African continent, by supporting citizens’ free and open access to the laws that govern them;
- improve access to the law, stimulate access to law innovation, and lead by example;
- create a machine-friendly, openly licensed legislation commons;
- build a mutually beneficial relationships with African governments and a contributor community; and
- make the commons sustainable through licensing and charging for value-added services and expertise.
You may read more about Laws.Africa’s work on the organization’s website:
Advisory Board
Laws.Africa seeks to appoint members to its inaugural advisory board for a three year term starting in 2021. The primary function of the Advisory Board is to guide and support the work of the Association in accomplishing its mission, by:
- advising on strategy, research, stakeholder relations, diplomacy and networking, fund-raising, and on the content and conceptual approach of the programmes of the Association;
- identifying potential new projects of relevance to the Association consonant with its mandate;
- advising on strategies for financial sustainability, and supporting fundraising activities;
- representing the Association on certain occasions at the request of the Chairperson of the Management Committee;
- assisting with national, African and international networking.
Profile of Board members
Members of the Board will be drawn from the following groups:
- jurists from the African continent;
- technologists from the African continent and internationally;
- representatives of international organisations, internationally significant business, civil society, community organisations and other key interest groups concerned with free access to the law;
- prominent regional opinion leaders with a commitment to continental governance issues.
The Advisory Council will meet annually (in person, if funding allows, or virtually) but may convene for additional meetings at the request of the Chairperson. In addition, it is expected that board members will be available for consultation between meetings via phone calls or email. Secretarial support will be provided by the Chairperson’s office.
Members will not be remunerated.
Nominations and contact
Nominations are accepted via email until 15 March 2021 and must contain:
- For nominators: Full name, affiliation, e-mail address and cell phone number
- For nominees: acceptance of nomination, full name, CV and references
For further information or to send in nominations, please contact
Successful candidates will be contacted by 31 March 2021.