Kannaland municipal by-laws are now available on openbylaws.org.za
06 April 2020, by Greg Kempe

Kannaland is the latest municipality we’ve added to the openbylaws.org.za website. We’ve digitised all of Kannaland’s by-laws and put them online in user-friendly formats, making them easier to find, read and share.
The Open By-laws website now contains the by-laws of a total of nine municipalities, and we’re working on adding more. Kannaland comes hot on the heels of Cederberg and Bergrivier, which were added in late March.
Kannaland municipality is in the Garden Route district in the Western Cape and includes the towns of Ladismith at the foot of the Swartberg mountains, Zoar and Calitzdorp. Kannaland has 10 by-laws, covering aspects such as liquor sales, water supply and manegement, and the prevention of nuisances such as dumping.
Some aspects of municipal functioning are impacted by the recent government regulations passed due to the COVID-19 coronavirus. These regulations are available at openbylaws.org.za/covid19.
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Photo of Calitzdorp in Kannaland by Robert Wallace on flickr