Bergrivier and Cederberg municipal by-laws are now available on
24 March 2020, by Greg Kempe

Bergrivier and Cederberg are the latest two municipalities we have added to the website. We’ve digitised all of their by-laws and put them online in user-friendly formats, making them easier to find, read and share.
The Open By-laws website now contains the by-laws of a total of eight municipalities, and we’re working on adding more.
Bergrivier municipality in the Western Cape includes the towns of Piketberg, Velddrif and Porterville, and has an estimated population of about 67 000 people. Bergrivier has 30 by-laws, covering aspects such as liquor sales, municipal land-use planning, and informal trading. The oldest by-law in force is a 1994 by-law from the old Municipality of Velddrif regarding charging for sewerage services.
Cederberg municipality, also in the Western Cape, has a population of 53 000 and includes the beautiful Cederberg mountains and the towns of Clanwilliam, Citrusdal and Lambert’s Bay. The municipality has 29 by-laws, covering aspects including nature reserves, outdoor advertising and boats on the Clanwilliam dam.
Some aspects of municipal functioning are impacted by the recent government regulations passed due to the COVID-19 coronavirus. These regulations are available at
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Photo of Velddrif in Bergrivier by jbdodane on flickr. Photo of Cederberg by on flickr.